Christian Haynes ’20 and Nakyah Lucas ’20
What a GREAT conversation this past Tuesday! Christian Haynes and Nakyah Lucas, both Class of ’20, generously gave of their time to share experiences from their years at the Cross and the challenges they encountered. It is not dramatic to say that things are no better, and since 2016, a bit worse, than when we were on the hill 30 years ago. The overt racism towards students of color is alive and well, and support from the faculty and administration is severely lacking.
The biggest takeaway these two recent grads expressed when we asked what would improve the experience of a student of color on campus…SUPPORT. To have had faculty, staff, alums who had their back in the tough moments when they felt alone, singled out, or in the severe minority (Nakyah was one of 5 women in her year in the entire Poli Sci department) would have made a world of difference.
So as we come to the end of a remarkable year (in more ways than I care to count), many people in this group have been asking what they can DO. We have alluded to action steps, big and small. Becoming more aware of our white privilege, talking to family and friends about this issue, not remaining silent in the presence of racist language and action. But there is so much more we can do, and as a group we have power to create change and make an impact.
At the bottom of this email, please see the newly crafted Mission Statement for this HC Anti-Racism Group. We have 2 concrete action steps for all of you.
As a group we would like to present a donation by the end of the year to demonstrate our commitment to supporting the HC students of color and improving the support network for those students still at the Cross and those who have graduated.
The goal is a $10,000 minimum donation from this group to either the Bishop Healy Fund (supports emergency needs for all people of color, such as transportation to and from school, books, and other cost not covered by grants or aide) or the BSU emergency fund (established about 10 years ago at the HC BSU 40th reunion, which supports needs for BSU students around internships and similar activities that wouldn’t be financial feasible otherwise). If everyone is this group gave a donation (say $50 or $100) and got one other HC alum to do the same, we could easily reach that goal. And what an impactful statement that would make to the college in terms of our commitment to change!
We are creating a mentoring group. A list of alums that are available to current students and recent alums, so these individuals do not feel so alone in their experiences and endeavors. Some of us were lucky enough to have a personal network of support and advisors during our college years and beyond. We can be that for some of these young people. The goal is to provide the BSU and other minority groups on campus with a list of alumni that are available to them for questions, advice, career guidance…whatever they need. Next time there is an incident on campus, you better believe we will show up for these kids!
If either, or both, of these options are compelling to you at this time, please Take Action!! There will be a follow up email with a link to donate.
Please join me in thanking Christian and Nakyah for sharing their compelling stories and feelings, and the night before taking the LSATs for Nakyah!!! Well done! Any lawyers out there want to give her words of advice? Suffolk, Harvard, Northwestern???? And please check out Christian’s podcast…MISSION DRIVEN at
We will continue to organize monthly topics for discussion and keep you updated. We hope you will join us. If you have missed a prior call, you are welcome to come back and participate at any time. Next call is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8th at 8PM EST.
Thank you so much for your interest, your commitment and you passion.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am certainly grateful for the people who I am lucky enough to have met and connected with at, and since, my days at HC. By far the best thing to come from my days in Worcester.
Forged in the spirit of the Jesuit tradition that binds us, the Holy Cross Alumni Anti-Racism Alliance is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections and healthy conversations about racial justice among alumni, and to improving the college experience for students of color and eradicating barriers caused by systemic racism so that they can realize their academic, personal, and professional goals in a supportive and safe environment.