Crusaders for Crusaders: Creating Internships

This is a 3-part effort, as we outlined in the call

01. CHARA Fundraising Focus: BSU Opportunity fund

  • Not all HC students can afford to take an unpaid internship or to live away from home, which can be a rewarding piece of the liberal arts college experience

  • The fund enables BSU student members to take advantage of high-impact opportunities such as internships, summer research, Maymester sessions and immersion programs

Students can immerse themselves in an industry of interest and explore a potential career field; they can also network with professionals, develop new skills, and hone existing strengths – resulting in career readiness

  • Applying for funding starts with a conversation. Interested students meet with Chris Campbell, Assistant Director in the Office of Multicultural Education, in order to initiate funding request

  • Discussion with student to determine which opportunities are most relevant to student’s needs, and with Decision Committee to discuss the student’s request (formal request for funding is submitted)

  • BSU Decision Committee discusses funding request, assesses fundability, and decides how best to support the student (i.e., monetary support in lump sum vs. weekly or monthly disbursement, etc.)

  • Once approved, Chris works to fulfill the funding request via support with housing, travel, food, etc. as appropriate

  • Funds are not considered wages – only for expenses related to internship

  • BSU Fund supports students of all class years pursuing both PAID and UNPAID internships


How CHARA members can help:

  • DONATE to the BSU Opportunity Fund

  • This link Is unique for CHARA. Once you put In your payment Info, there will be another screen with a drop-down menu where you can select BSU Opportunity Fund


02. CHARA Creating new internship opportunities


  • HC utilizes Handshakeas their career management system

  • Many companies are already “approved” Holy Cross employers in Handshake (over 8,000)

    • Reach out to Julie Draczynski, Director Employer Engagement ( confirm your organization is an approved employer. If not, she can add the employer and/or get in touch with HR or appropriate employer contact

  • Once approved, employer can post internships and jobs and then HC can tag them as an HC partner and alumni connected role and share it with students


How CHARA members can help:

  • Are there internship opportunities in your company?

  • Do you have family and friends that might have interesting opportunities?

  • Do you have a favorite organization you are familiar with that you could pitch to?


03. CHARA Connecting with HC students of color

  • Students can access internship opportunities through apps like Handshake and Wakanda

    • Wakanda is targeted toward students who identify as BIPOC

  • While internships must be open to all students, Center for Career Development can support employers in attracting students of color that identify with such opportunities

  • Awareness of internship opportunities is generated as part of campus events such as sports team gatherings, practices, etc. but IS THIS ENOUGH?

  • Students often do not feel these opportunities are “for them” or may not even know they exist. Without social capital, or parents In your ear reminding you to get to the career office, how do we reach the students of color so they take advantage of what Is available to them?

  • Do students know there are opportunities beyond the banking and accounting Industries?


How CHARA members can help:

  • How do we better connect with students?

  • How do we make them aware of the opportunities available to them?

  • How do we let them know this if for them, and not some other student?

We brainstormed about this 3rd part during the call.  Here are the highlights:

  • Career awareness sessions

  • HC alum to host a student for the summer in a city other than students hometown

  • Ask HC to hire someone who’s job it is to support minority populations (another Chris Campbell)

  • Demand smarter hires

  • CHARA to run a “job fair”

  • Who is tapping this kids on the shoulder to encourage their participation?

  • How can CHARA’s voice be valuable in this effort?

  • Contact list of CHARA members that students can reach out to when they are in a new city


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